Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our first Thanksgiving!

We spend the afternoon at Gram's house. The boys had a great time playing with everyone and enjoyed all the Thanksgiving treats! Mashed potatoes and gravy was their fave!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cutest boys EVER

No, I'm not being partial or anything :)

Monday, November 2, 2009


is this a gerber baby or what???

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

A year ago today.....Trick or treating with our friends was so much fun! The boys were a banana split. They actually were fairly happy for awhile in their costumes for awhile. I guess as long as the wagon is moving we are all happy campers :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pre Halloween costume party

Our gym class had a halloween party, so we dressed up as pumpkins (pretty much made a mini pumpkin patch) and went to our very first costume party! This was just practice for the real Halloween!

Pumpkin Patch

We also went on our first trip to a pumpkin patch with our friends Brian, Amber and their little girl Claire. (Grandma Vicki, Uncle Jeff, and Nicole also came so we had reinforcements). We got to go on hayrides, play with pumpkins, pet animals, the whole she-bang and it was so much fun!

Apple Hill

We went on our first big outing to Apple Hill and the boys were great! They had so much fun and were very very good!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009




I know, I know....

alright, I've become the worst "blogger" ever!!! I can't believe how fast time is going and I can't believe how CRAZY life has become around our household. We now have a household full of confident 9 month old babies....who can crawl, stand, and pull themselves up on anything and everything. It's funny because I used to have those mornings where they would just lay in a circle playing with whatever toy was within their reach and I could check my email, blog :), eat breakfast, etc. Those days are long gone. I now spend the mornings chasing babies who are crawling and making a break for it, pulling up on whatever they can find, crawling over each other, stealing each other's toys. But I must say, I wouldn't trade it for anything! I am so lucky and grateful that I get to be home with these babies to watch them become such great, wonderful boys! They are now eating pretty much anything I put in front of them. They love eggs, cheese, any fruit, rice, noodles...I could go on and on. We still go to baby gym twice a week and try to have as many play dates as possible. We use our wagon every day to go on walks (as long as the weather permits) and are looking forward to our first Halloween!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This boy continues to be non stop on the go. He is still army crawling everywhere, but can get his knees under him and rock back and forth....trying to move, but not quite there yet. He can sit, but doesn't enjoy it. He seems to be the most studious and intense of the three. Studying toys and people....trying to figure things out all the time. He is saying mama, baba, dada. I'm pretty sure it's not on purpose or directed at anyone in particular, but it sure is cute! He is an absolute daddy's boy already. He always gets the biggest smile any time daddy walks into the room.


This little guy seems to have recovered from his bout with pneumonia. He loves to sit up and play with any and every toy around him. He can never have too many toys piled in his lap. When he hears music he starts to dance and gets all excited. I see a future on....Dancing with the Stars? So you think you can Dance? :) He has two little white teeth coming in through his bottom gum. They are so cute and small! He is the best eater, and actually tries to use his teeth to chew whatever is in his mouth. He is also the most vocal at feeding times and lets me know when I'm not feeding him fast enough! I can only go so fast!


Well, this boy continues to be a monster. He is huge! He can sit up really well and moves around in circles on his belly and rolls to get to what he wants. He loves to lay next to Scotty in the morning and just rub his hair. It's so cute! Austin has become our best night time sleeper. He doesn't really wake up at all, and if he does, he just puts himself back to sleep. He has the most lucious hair and is pretty much just a happy guy. He is also FINALLY getting his first tooth! Yay!

8 months old!!

I can't believe these boys are already 8 months old. They are getting so big and are such happy and sweet guys! I am so lucky! They have started gym class twice a week. We sing, dance, play games, it's realy an excuse to get us out of the house and doing stuff! They boys have added to their list of foods they eat....cheerios, yogurt puffs, bananas and watermelon. They love to eat ANYTHING I put in front of them! Our schedule is getting really routine and the boys are doing well with 2 naps a day and are sleeping pretty much through the night. I am so proud of these boys! They are the best!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mashed potatoes!

We ate.....or attempted to eat....mashed potatoes last night! What a mess! The boys actually did good shoveling it into their mouths, but once they were out of their high chairs, I realized majority of it was stuck to their legs. Pretty gross, but they had a great time!

Big Boy Jammies...

I put the boys in their big boy jammies. They were so cute, I left them on almost all day. Although, we decided stripes aren't flattering for Austin's hiney :)

Brody at nap time

Caleb napping...


alright, I know I am the WORST blogger. What can I say, I've got babies keeping me busy :) We took Caleb to the dr. on Monday because he was wheezing really badly and discovered he has pneumonia. He is on antibiotics and breathing treatments every 4 hours. It brings me back to the beginning when we woke to feed all the time. He seems to be doing ok so far. We go back in 2 weeks for another chest xray and check up. Other than that, Caleb has been a happy camper. He has his two bottom teeth in and is sitting up really well! Austin still has no sign of any teeth. He is a huge baby but has also learned to give hugs. Alright, so maybe he is grabbing at my hair, but he squeezes around my neck and it warms my heart. Brody is the most on the go. he does not want to be held. He wants to know whats going on at all times. Army crawling all over the place, saying "dadadadadadada" and giving big smiles and laughs. I love my boys!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Caleb is aomost 21 lbs. He is working hard to catch up to his brothers by eating as much food as possible! He is such a little piggy! He probably also gets the most exercise because he jumps and moves his legs non stop! He is just about sitting up all by himself. He loves to sit up and look at all the toys around him. He loves to hold as many toys as possible. If he is playing with something and Scotty shows him another toy, he will reach out for it. he does this over and over until he has all the toys! I think a tooth is going to poke through any day now.


Brody is a little bit over 21 lbs. He is the total mover and shaker of the group. He is a wiggle worm and is so curious about everything around him. He rolls everywhere and can turn himself in circles. He is our first and only baby to have a tooth...not only one, but two! It's like one day we noticed one and the next day he had two! He looks like such a big boy with two teeth! He is turning into such a happy baby who laughs all the time, especially at his dad! He loves his daddy so much!!!


Austin is now 22 lbs! yikes! He is rolling a lot now. It's like once he did it, he realized it was easy and it got him closer to toys he wanted, so he does it all the time now! He still has a big gummy smile and loves to laugh and flirt with the ladies. He is the only one who can really hold his own bottle and drink from it successfully. He also loves to drink water from his sippy cup and then spit it everywhere. He is a great shopper. He loves to run errands with mommy and is such a good boy in his stroller when we are out!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

7 months

My goodness....we woke up this morning and couldn't believe our babies are now 7 months old! Where has time gone? They are closer to 1 yr now than newborns. We have been doing a ton of fun activities this last week because my sister and her hubby and little guy (17 months) are in town visiting. Look at how much they have grown since their first week home from the hospital.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Stroller

So I got this stroller for Mother's Day, but the boys hated, so I put it away for awhile. We have busted it out again and they are much more happier in it now! Quite the attention grabber, and it doesn't quite fit on the sidewalks, but it is a jogger, so I can take the boys out with me for a little exercise!!!

Giant's Fan

Scotty is already gearing the boys up to love the Giants! Here is Austin wearing Daddy's hat.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy fourth of July!!

Swimming and bbqing with family and friends....what a great day!